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Chengdu Yiwei New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd.


Warm Welcome to Entrepreneurs, Businesspersons, and Outstanding Young Students from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan at Yiwei Automobile Manufacturing Base in Hubei

Recently, Suizhou City welcomed the 16th World Chinese Descendants’ Hometown Roots-Seeking Festival and the Grand Ceremony of Paying Homage to Emperor Yan, also known as the “Ancestor Worship Ceremony”. This grand event brought together Chinese nationals, overseas Chinese, as well as outstanding young students from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, to trace the footsteps of Emperor Yan, also known as Shennong, deepen their understanding of Yan Emperor culture, and strengthen their bloodline connections.

During the Ancestor Worship Ceremony, participants paid tribute to the great achievements of Emperor Yan, Shennong, and then delved into Suizhou City to experience its rich historical culture, unique urban landscape, and flourishing characteristic industries.

Warm Welcome to Yiwei Automobile Manufacturing Base in Hubei

Photo Source: Suizhou Release

During the visit to Suizhou’s characteristic industries, entrepreneurs, businesspersons, and outstanding young students from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan made a special visit to Yiwei Automobile’s manufacturing base in Hubei. Vice General Managers Li Xianghong and Wang Tao warmly welcomed the guests and introduced them to the company’s development history, technological innovations, China’s first production line for new energy dedicated vehicle chassis, and new energy dedicated vehicle products.

The guests appreciated the achievements of Suizhou City’s specialized vehicle industry in the field of new energy and highly praised the efforts made by Hubei Yiwei New Energy Automobile in promoting the development of emerging industries. They also gained a detailed understanding of Yiwei Automobile’s new energy chassis and vehicle products.

Warm Welcome to Yiwei Automobile Manufacturing Base in Hubei1 Warm Welcome to Yiwei Automobile Manufacturing Base in Hubei2 Warm Welcome to Yiwei Automobile Manufacturing Base in Hubei6 Warm Welcome to Yiwei Automobile Manufacturing Base in Hubei5 Warm Welcome to Yiwei Automobile Manufacturing Base in Hubei4 Warm Welcome to Yiwei Automobile Manufacturing Base in Hubei3

This event not only enhanced the sense of identification and belonging to Yan Emperor culture among Chinese nationals and overseas Chinese but also further promoted communication between Yiwei Automobile and Chinese nationals and overseas Chinese. In the future, Yiwei Automobile will take a series of strategies and actions to continue building closer ties with Chinese nationals and overseas Chinese, leverage the influence of the Yan Emperor cultural brand to promote its own development, and contribute to the transformation, upgrading, and sustainable development of Suizhou’s specialized vehicle industry.

Post time: Jun-06-2024